Short case
CASE DETAILS A 26 old female, (home maker) resident of rural nalgonda has come to the hospital with complaints of:- Lower back ache since 10 days Fever since 5 days Pain abdomen since one day HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS The Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days ago. Then she developed Lower back ache which was insidious in onset, continuous in nature, no aggravating factors, relieved on rest. The patient also complained of fever since 5 days which was insidious in onset, remitting type ,associated with chills and rigors, relieved on medication. Now the patient also complains of Pain abdomen since 1 day which was in lower right quadrant of abdomen The patient also complained of painless Passage of reddish coloured urine since a day No history of burning micturition, frequency, urgency, shortness of breath pedal edema PAST HISTORY The patient gives a history of mitral valve replacement when she was 7 years old after which she is us...