Short case


A 26 old female, (home maker) resident of  rural nalgonda has come to the hospital with  complaints of:-

Lower back ache since 10 days

Fever since 5 days 

Pain abdomen since one day 


The Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days ago. Then she developed Lower back ache which was insidious in onset, continuous in nature, no aggravating factors, relieved on rest.

The patient also complained of fever since 5 days which was insidious in onset, remitting type ,associated with chills and rigors,  relieved on medication. 

Now the patient also complains of Pain abdomen since 1 day which was in lower right quadrant of abdomen

The patient also complained of painless Passage of reddish coloured urine since a day

No history of burning micturition, frequency, urgency, shortness of breath pedal edema


The patient gives a history of mitral valve replacement when she was 7 years old after which she is using Medication - ( ACITROM  )

The patient has undergone lower segment cesarean section 7 months ago

No history of diabetes, Hypertension, asthma, epilepsy, tuberculosis


=> Appetite :- Good 

=> Diet :- Mixed 

=> Bowel and bladder :- Regular 

=> Sleep :- Adequate

=> Addictions:- nil

=> Family History:- No history  of similar complaints

General examination 

Patient was examined  in a well lit room after obtaining valid informed  consent and Adequate exposure

She was conscious, coherent, cooperative

Well oriented to time place person

Moderately built and nourished 

=> Pallor :- absent

=> Icterus:- absent 

=> Cyanosis:- absent 

=> Clubbing :- absent 

=> Lymphadenopathy:-absent 

=> Pedal edema:- absent 


Temperature :- afebrile

Respiratory rate :-14 cycles per minute

Pulse:- 78 beats per minute, regular,normal in volume and character, no vessel wall thickening, no radioradial delay

Blood pressure :- 120/80 mmHg  sitting position in right arm 

Systemic examination 

Per Abdomen 

Inspection :-

Abdomen is scaphoid 

All quadrants are moving equally with respiration 

Umbilicus is central and inverted

There is a scar of lower segment Cesarean section  

No visible peristlasis

No engorged veins

Hernial orifices are free

Palpation :- 

All the regions were examined 

Superficial palpation

 No local rise of temperature

 Tenderness in - Right lumbar region

Deep palpation 

 Liver,Spleen and kidney are not palpable 

Percussion :- 

Palpatory findings regarding liver span are confirmed 

Tympanic note heard over the abdomen


Bowel sounds were normal 

No venous hum 

CVS :- 


The chest wall is bilaterally symmetrical

No dilated veins, scars or sinuses are seen

Apical impulse or pulsations cannot be appreciated 


Apical impulse is felt in the fifth intercostal space, 1 cm medial to  the midclavicular line

No parasternal heave felt

No thrill felt


Right and left borders of the heart are percussed 


S1 and S2 heard...

No added sounds or murmurs 

Respiratory  system 


Chest is bilaterally symmetrical

The trachea appears to be in centre

Apical impulse is not appreciated 

Chest moves equally with respiration on both sides

No dilated veins, scars or sinuses are seen


Trachea is felt in midline

Chest moves equally on both sides on respiration 

Apical impulse is felt in the fifth intercostal space 1cm lateral to mid clavicular line

Tactile vocal fremitus- appreciated 


The areas percussed include the supraclavicular, infraclavicular, mammary, axillary, infraaxillary, suprascapular, infrascapular areas.

They are all resonant.


Normal vesicular breath sounds are heard

No adventitious sounds

Central nervous system 

Higher mental functions :- Normal

All cranial nerves are intact 

No signs of meningeal irritation

Sensory, motor systems are normal

Provisional diagnosis

Acute pyelonephritis of Right kidney


Complete blood picture


TLC:- 13700

PCV 30.3

RBC count :-4.01 millions

MCV :-75fl

MCH :-25.2

Platelets :-3.14 lakhs

Complete Urine examination

Blood urea:-18
Serum creatinine:- 0.8

X ray 



Infusion NS  75mL/hr 
Inj.PAN 40mg iv OD
Inj.PIPTAZ 2.25grams Iv TId
Inj.Zofer 4mg  iv
Inj.Neomol 1g iv
T.Paracetamol 500mg
T.NIFTAZ 100mg Per Oral BD


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