50 year old male with DKA

 I’ve been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan


ROLL NO :- 50

A 42 year old cab driver by occupation presented to OPD with

Chief complaints of

Vomitings since 7 days.
Shortness of breath since 5 days.

History of present illness

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 years back then he was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, since then he is non complaint to medication of oral hypoglycemic drugs.
7 days back he developed vomiting with 3 episodes per day which is non bilious, non projectile, non foul smelling,  food as content without any associating and relieving factors for which he was treated.
No history of stomach pain.
Then he developed shortness of breath 5 days back of grade 4 which is gradual in onset without any associated symptoms like angina, palpitation and hemoptysis for which he was taken to a govt hospital where he was referred to our hospital.
Past history
No history of similar complaints in the past.
H/o Diabetes mellitus since 7 years.
No H/o Hypertension, CAD, asthma, epilepsy, tuberculosis.
No previous history of blood transfusions.
H/o hospital admission 3 years back for food poisoning.
No history of blood transfusions.

Daily routine

Patient wakes up at 6 AM in the morning freshens up drinks tea and has breakfast at around 8:30 AM, goes to work and has lunch at 1:20 PM continues to work drinks tea at 6 PM, dinner at 8:30 PM.

Personal history

Diet is mixed with normal appetite and regular bladder movements, sleep is adequate.


Alcoholic since 5 years occasionally
Previous binge is before the onset of vomiting for 5 days 90ml each day.

Skipped meals for 5 days before onset of vomiting.

No drug allergies.
General examination

Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative, well oriented to time, place and person.

 No features indicating the presence of pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, generalized edema.
Dehydration present at the time of admission - dryness of tongue.


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